my lifetime I have wanted many careers. This page is just a random listing
of all the different things I've ever wanted to be in my life. |
very first thing I ever wanted to be (so my mother says) is a bunny. She
claims that one of my oldest sister's friends asked me what I wanted to
be when I grew up, and I said a bunny rabbit. |
next thing I wanted to be was a librarian. I think it was because I liked
the sound that the date-stamper thing made. I always liked things that made
noise like that... And that leads to my next ambition-to be a cashier at
a grocery store. I liked the noise of the machines as the different items
were scanned. |
next thing I can really remember wanting to be was a writer. I've always
liked to write. The want of being a writer still has not faded, though I've
also wanted to be other things, as well as a writer. |
almost a year ago, I decided I wanted to be a guitar tech. I knew I couldn't
play guitar very well, but I figured that I could tune guitars all right.
I had gotten a guitar which had a cracked head, was missing a string, and
was quite scratched up from so much misuse and abuse over the years. It
was also missing one of the machineheads, so I had to buy new ones to put
on. Of course, the machineheads I bought did not fit in the guitar, so I
had to drill new holes into the head of the guitar. My dad and I set to
fixing the guitar up, and I enjoyed it so much that I decided I wanted to
be a guitar tech. |
next thing I wanted to be (and still want to be now, other than a writer)
was a pastry chef. I've always loved baking, and especially baking desserts.
It was watching a pastry chef competition on the Food
Network that caused me to really admire the work they do, and made me
really want to become a pastry chef. So many people are surprised when I
say, "I want to be a pastry chef." They reply, "but you're
so smart!" I realize being a pastry chef doesn't take as much intelligence
as, say, a chemist would, but it takes hard work and dedication-and I truly
love to bake. |
| Ambitions | Hockey
| Mischief | Music
| Writing |